Hospital, pt. 1

Imagine this – you are a very attractive mother of four, and you are finally getting the trip to Frankenmuth with your might-as-well-be-sister-in-law that you and she have been trying to plan for two years. You will be shopping, having chicken dinner (for lunch) at the Bavarian Inn, and also shopping. On the side, there might also be some shopping. You are very excited about this trip, as well you should be.

Enter your stubborn husband, who has been complaining of a tightness on the left side of his chest and a knot under his shoulder blade on that same side for a good week. He has also been ignoring your suggestions (varying in intensity from subtle to using his middle name) to call his doctor. When he does finally get around to it, she tells him to go into the emergency room. The afternoon before your trip.

You, being the amazing wife that you are, tell him to go in right now. When he says he should wait until after the family goes to drop Hunter off at his grandmother’s, you are flummoxed. You ask him if he’s sure, and assure him that you can handle it yourself. No, he insists, he’ll come with, and then head into the hospital after everyone returns and the kids are in bed.  You suspect, out loud, that he’s more concerned with missing Hunter’s grandmother’s cooking than he is with providing company and a helping hand. His expression lets you know that you are not wrong.

The drop-off, visit, and dinner go well.  Hunter’s grandmother expresses to your husband that he should go in immediately, without question, just in case it’s a heart attack.  He assures her that he will, just as soon as he gets back to Lansing and the kids are in bed.  He makes good on his word, kisses you goodbye, and drives himself to the emergency room.

After a while, he sends you this text message:

“In a bed, had EKG already.”

To which you respond:

“wow that was quick. and?”

There’s no response for a while, so you send another:


He ends up sending you this picture via email, with a caption:

“Almost drained a bag already.  You should go to bed.”

It’s midnight, but worry is making it easy to stay up. You reply.

“i want to know at least something”

“I hope that Wren is driving tomorrow. :(” He’s thinking that if you don’t get any sleep, you shouldn’t be driving.

“yeah I will go to bed after show if no news”

“Ok nurse says no news, but happy with saline going in.”

He was dehydrated, you bet. Twenty or so minutes go by. “anything?”

“Everything came back negative. Want to keep me overnight for a stress test in the morning. :-(”

“Okay, suppose to be leaving around ten tomorrow for the ‘muth”

“I know. I’m going to write an email to Dad about everything that’s gone on, and hopefully i don’t screw up everyone’s plans.”

Really?  That’s what he’s worried about? “*squeezes eyes together* Okay, so I have to try and sleep without you here.  This sucks.” You wait ten minutes for a response, and then send: “Well, I guess i am heading to bed.  With everything coming up fine I bet they are just trying to nickel and dime you now.  *wink*  I love you.”

“Love you too baby. Thinkin’ of you hard.”