House Hunting

So, we’re house hunting. Last week, due to sitcom levels of miscommunication, we looked at seven houses in one evening, with three of the kids along. The irony was thick and hearty, as this was exactly the situation that we were attempting to avoid, thanks to home buying experiences in my past.

I kept it together, tried to corral the kids (new house every 20 minutes, an infinite number of nooks and crannies to explore, so many shiny things to touch, how could they not go crazy?), and rode the roller coaster. There are a few things that I learned along the way that I’d like to share with all of you.

  • Pastels are not always the best choice for every single surface in a home. Yes, that includes the outside.
  • Moth ball smell is an immediate house hunting turn off.
  • Your favorite houses will either have a mold-infested (and probably haunted) basement or be built on a cliff. Neither of these is good for raising small children.
  • The several month long drought will pick that day to end, including the requisite downpours. This is not as bad as it sounds.
  • When it comes to emergency drive-through dinner, McDonald’s will always be loved by the kids and hated by your stomach.

Now that we’ve got a better idea of what we want, what we don’t, and a cross section of what’s out there, it’s time to get pre-approved. Wish me luck.