Samurai Champloo

Samurai CHamplooThere’s a striking similarity between this version of the Edo (?) time period in Japan’s history, and the futuristic setting of Cowboy Bebop – lack of food.  Not that there’s a general lack of food being grown or being available, just that the main characters can’t get to it.  I’m wondering if that empty stomach gurgle noise is the director’s cell phone ring tone.

The quest to find the Samurai that smells like sunflowers is long, convoluted, and mostly not the focus of the individual episodes.  Though the characters find themselves coming under the watchful eyes of several proto-Yakuza groups, enraged townsfolk – both legitimate and criminal, and secondarily embroiled in Shogun-level politics.

Really, all they wanted was a good meal and a good fight.  Oh, and to kill each other.  Four out of five stars.