
So, I broke my thumb on Sunday night. On my left hand. My dominant hand.

Well, after the initial visit to Lansing Urgent Care, then the disagreement by their contracted radiologists, and then a visit to my primary doctor, the results are inconclusive.

Either I didn’t break my thumb at all, or it’s a stress fracture that will show up on x-ray in another week. Stress fractures don’t show up on x-ray right away, don’tchaknow.

In the meantime, I’m still wearing the thumb splint. Typing is slower than usual, but not terrible. I just need to keep the thumb out of the way. Writing in a journal or filling out forms or anything of the like is difficult, and looks like I’m trying to write right-handed. Signing my name, oddly enough, doesn’t seem harder than usual, once I get the pen angled correctly.

Chopsticks are right out, though.

3 thoughts on “Ouch.

  1. Youch! Don’t you just LOVE those “nobody knows” situations? Meanwhile you are wasting your time on doctor’s appointments so they can tell you just how much they don’t know. Hopefully it’s not a fracture and heals up soon!

  2. I got a broken thumb from a Durango door. It barely showed on the x-ray. two years later still hurts like hell.

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