
I used to publish first drafts of much of my writing here on the site, for your perusal and enjoyment. I’m pretty sure that those drafts disappeared when I migrated to WordPress, but it could have been a concern about publishability. In any case, they went bye-bye. And then someone (I think Izzy?) convinced me to set up an account at deviantArt. Tom wanted some critiques, she was posting jewelry that she’d made, and I was confused. “Isn’t that site for people that can draw?”

I discovered that there was a comparatively small, yet scrappy, contingent of writers there as well. And why not? Writing is art as much as drawing, painting, and photography. So, I thought, what the hell. I posted a couple of chapters of Todd’s Story, and fully intended to set up a regular update schedule. That didn’t happen. It didn’t happen so gloriously that there were gaps between posting chapters that were over a year long. I’d post a chapter here and there when life didn’t have my brain duct taped to the ceiling, but was never able to stick to a regular schedule.

UNTIL NOW! That’s right, for the first time, I’ve been able to mostly stick to a weekly Monday-night update routine. Todd’s Story will be finishing up shortly, and I’ve got a schedule of upcoming pieces that I’m excited to release. Stay tuned for “Two Vampires,” a short story whose universe will be sucked into the Adam’s Name multiverse. Not only that, but it’s my most-revised piece ever.

Go here for the weekly (mostly) updates to my Gallery!