Writing Journal

From my writing journal on 22 June…


…and then Nikki says, “It’s not like you could have them just…” She throws her hand up in the air. “…stumble across a unicorn in the middle of the road!”

My eyes go wide, the cheese stick trembles in my hand, still connected to the bite in my mouth by strands of Parmesan. “Why NOT?!”

Diane has fallen asleep, and dreams of a unicorn. Because it’s Diane, she muses over its meaning as a symbol alongside experiencing the dream. It looks at her, going tense and alert, and then the car screeches to a halt, jolting her awake. Standing in the road in front of them is a unicorn.

People get out, approach it, making it nervous and defensive. It will gore the bajeezus out of some people before they start to figure out how to deal with it. Diane will be an expert in unicorn mythology, and hilarity will ensue.