Thoughts from Work

A supervillain guards my desk.  Watch out.

More words today.  About the same output.  I got into gear faster, though.  I started feeling the story again, and seeing the scene in my head.  With the zone that I got into, I could have written for hours, I think.  This is good news.

My elbows are being scratched by the insides of my shirt sleeves.  This means that the air has gotten dry enough to require me to use moisturizer.  Who knew that I’d need lotion to forestall painful elbows?  (ZHWOM!)

I’m up to two medium Tim Hortons size cups of coffee per day, plus one to two Diet Mt. Dews.  I’m still yawning.  This may just indicate an increasing caffeine tolerance, which would be bad news.  Get here quickly, CPAP chin strap!