So, I lead the discussion tonight on Techno-Paganism. Should be fine. I’m still really hoping for an active audience. Less work for me, and more material for me to play with. I really, really don’t want to be lecturing.
Looks like I’ll have time to go and get groceries and stamps before the Green Spiral meeting, too. Hopefully, my slowness will be beat out by the fact that I have a list of what I’m shopping for. This should cover lunches, dinners, and snacks for at least a week.
The next challenge to surmount will be cleaning the kitchen. I’m talking mopping the floor, cleaning the counters (which have several layers of sticky substances on them) until they’re absolutely spic-and-span, and cleaning out the microwave. Screw trying to clean the fridge. I don’t have the desire right yet to combat the tribal life forms that have evolved in there.
I once asked one of my ex-girlfriends if she knew why I loved Transformers. She hazarded a guess, which I didn’t contradict. It was the control, she said. The enacting of change upon an object. I asked her, what about the puzzle-solving aspect? She said that that was a bonus. She was wrong. It’s not about either of those.
Right now, I miss my ex-roomate. I so very much want to do ritual with him.
Right now, I very much want to have a job lined up for Detroit. Right now, I am fierce with the need to make that happen. Right now, I’m wondering if it’s a good idea.