
Randomness for sure. The In Perpetual Motion show was a blast last night, I had a great time. I ended up crashing on the love seat (which didn’t earn many protests from my knee, surprisingly enough) while there were still like three or four people here, and was DJ’ing. Unbeknownst to me, Leah, the infamous sexy voice of IPM, shook her breasts about an inch and a half to two inches from my face. I always sleep through the best stuff. Not sure how happy I am about the inebriation level I was at, but I had a good time nonetheless.

Beh. Pining blows.

is back from Las Vegas, I really need to hang out with him, like the old days. We haven’t done that in a while… the trip from Lansing to drop him off in his hometown was the closest we’ve been to that kind of discussion, and that was pretty much me asking how things were going in his life.

Oh, and my car is dead, until I can get it into the shop. No coolant into the engine. But, luckily enough, my State tax return check came in yesterday, so I’m hoping for the Federal one on Monday. They were both tele-filed, so they should both be lickety-split.

Did I mention that pining sucks?

Hrm. Maybe I should be a teacher.