The window covering we made with crappy duct tape and a plastic bag has flown off of the window pane altogether.
The glass is vacuumed, stuff has been inventoried, and the dash has been replaced (albeit crudely).
Sunglasses were found. I was a dumbass and they were wedged in the seat. Yes, I was sitting on them.
I had forgotten one item that was in my backpack that wasn’t found. My checkbook. It was found, and the nice people that found it called me. They found it on the lawn next door to them. I’m going to pick it up tomorrow, and I’ve left a voice mail with the police officer about where it was found. I’m bringing ID with me so I can assure them of who I am.
This may do no good, but I feel better having this sort of good thing come out of the shitty experience.