Let’s Get Serious

I have a brown briefcase that my dad gave to me a while ago. I only ever used it as a prop. Now my backpack’s gone, so I’m going to use the briefcase. Perhaps it’s time for me to at least look more professional.

I began to write something that ranges between a paper and a journal entry about personal and societal history. I’m on the third page, it’ll end up being four or five. And of course it’ll be posted here.

I need to use my roommate’s printer to print out a few sheets of address labels with graphics on them to seal problem envelopes. I’m sure I’ll find plenty of rockin’ pics on TransFanDom.

Kinda grumpy. The Tie just got a job that pays him 10K a year more than he was earning with S1S. Maybe I should give S1S a call back and let them know I’m still interested. Good lord, I’m tired of all of this.

Is it too much to ask to be appreciated and respected professionally? Apparently.