A day without much food was oddly not that hard on my stomach. I bitched a lot, but that was because I was so used to eating. I had mac and cheese with some polish sausage when I got home from Kung Fu.
By the way, when your Kung Fu lesson is done, and you’re talking philosophy with your sifu, out in the lawn behind his apartment, do you expect to be accosted by local police about dealing drugs? Well, that’s what happened to me yesterday. Apparently, one of the residents thought they heard us talking about an 8 ball. Because drug dealers, they do martial arts practices and sit there talking for three hours in the same place when they deal drugs. Yup.
They even had me take off my boots to look in. The officer agreed with me that I need new insoles, and seemed disappointed when neither my Sifu nor myself had any drugs or anything illegal on us. They apologized, but I said I wasn’t worried, they were just doing their job. It was the person that called that I was upset with.
My Sifu was like “Well, Skippy, welcome to the world of being black. I’m not surprised, I really expected this when I moved to Okemos.” Sobering, ne?