Shouting in anger.

I did a lot of that last night.

I also did some dancing, and while I noticed that I’m 100% better able to control my balance, and I’m already noticing that I’m more flexible thanks to Kung Fu, my leg muscles and feet got tired quickly when I was doing my traditional pseudo-hop-thing.

I got drunk, second time in two nights. Good feeling.

And yes, I’m still angry.

I hate being talked down to. HATE it. I hate being interrupted. HATE it. I will not tolerate people acting like my opinion is worthless, or immediately wrong, without hearing me out. I WILL NOT. I am sick and tired of people that will insist that a situation is happening (Skippy hates me) until it BECOMES true. I do not need an abusive friendship, even a verbally abusive one. I’ve had enough of them. I will most likely cease to be angry when I’m approached with respect, and not dismissed as if I were a child.

I’m now trying for the third time (st00pid servers timing out) to install RedHat via FTP.