This is why I say that people that think as I do need to get their hands dirty and get involved in the government.
The RIAA is an independant company. Not a part of the government. It “represents” major recording labels, and through them, the artists that are signed. That’s a bunch of bullshit. Talk to an artist on a major label, or read any interview with them about their cut of album cash. It’s a seriously retarded ratio, because everybody’s got a hand in the pot.
Now, the Librarian of Congress has decreed that a 0.07 cent (that’s 7 hundredths of a cent) per user per listener fee be payed by web broadcasters. That’s commercial webcasts. Noncommercial broadcast stations get reduced rate of $.0002/performance for archived programming and first two side channels (down from CARP’s recommended $.0005). There is, however, still a minimum $500 a year royalty charge.
Who gets this money? Stations like IPM play ZERO RIAA artists. Do they still have to pay the RIAA? And how the FUCK does that work?!
I know assloads of smart people. Some of them are even charismatic. Why the hell are we not getting involved? Lack of cash? Fuck that, go grassroots. Lack of motivation. Well, shit. Useless Megacorporation from the Land of Stupid just squashed webcasting like a bug.
Fuck it. I’m going to have to become a politician. I’m already fat and white, that’s two aspects of the system I can twist to my favor, then demolish once I get in.