I’m speechless.

Well, ok, I’m not entirely speechless. I can’t thank my friends enough for their support and well-wishes about this quitting my shitty job thing. Everybody thinks that this is the best decision I’ve made in quite some time, and I’m inclined to agree. :) Here’s a bit of meandering that I wrote down yesterday before I wrote the letter of resignation…

Corporate politics amuse me. Perhaps because my anger is so used up on the subject, or perhaps it’s the entire lack of finesse posessed by those who are attempting to use office politics to get me into trouble. Three years at this company. Right now they are having me “talked to.” My guess is that they will establish a few of these in a row (despite the minor nature of the talks) as justification for letting me go, or forcing me back in the phone que. Whatever. My tolerance for stupid has been reached, and this place isn’t worth my frustration.

I think that this kind of thing will exist everywhere I go, because I can’t imagine an office setting where there won’t be people that are in positions that they’re not qualified to be in. If only writing my book full-time was a viable solution.