Cake and Pie

Edgy and tension-filled, soon I’m going to snap. It’s come full-circle again, and the image of the female form won’t leave my mind. This time, it started with that dream. That dream, where the woman I loved didn’t exist. That goddamn dream.

Letting go of the past would help, as there’s always bits of the past that jump ahead into the future. I try to squash the little bastards wherever I find them, but they’re sneaky little fucks. Thinking about last year, or the year before that, or… well, it doesn’t help at all.

Things that people need to know:
: Sleep, damn you! ;) And tell George, “Damn! Now THAT’s an ass!”

: Please stop contacting me. If you can’t find , he’s probably avoiding you. He does that a lot. Just do what you need to do and don’t depend on him. Your life would be much easier that way.

: There is something that doesn’t want to tell you, but you deserve to know.

: You. Me. AfterNow. Dig it.

: We should plan to hang out sometime soon.