For last night’s transgressions, I am being punished with a developing pimple on the end of my nose. How ridiculously fitting.

The gears and cogs of the Inter-Web clicked in such a way that my mailbox was finally attacked by all of the LJ comments that I had missed while the email address was down. Who’d guess that this would be part of putting things back together?

I’m still wandering in a bit of a fog, and I decidedly did NOT remain on the crag and watch the weather. Instead, I took my warhammer and smacked myself in the head over and over and over again. For some reason, my warhammer resembled half of a fifth of Jose Quervo Especial tequila. While I had consumed the entirety of that inebriating liquid in forty-five minutes, I was paying for it for many, many hours to come. Not this morning, though, no hangover.

I also owe and my life. They watched over me, forced me not to go to sleep until I could focus my eyes without getting nauseous, and pampered me the entire time. I also vaguely remember paper towels with cool water being patted on me. I cannot thank them enough. More later, when the world pulls itself together a bit more.