What a strange day, all in all.
I woke up late… I’d been woken up a couple of times by my mom with phone calls about the car. One from Dad reminding me to get the registration proving that we lived at the same address (needed for one of the $1K discounts) to the dealership, and one from the dealership wondering if I was satisfied with the service that I was receiving.
I was sort of awake. Really.
So, about a half hour later, I wake up, take a shower, eat some cereal, and the dealership calls. Yup, I’ll be over later to bring the registration. Yup, this is the vanity plate I want. Full tank of gas? Thanks!
So, I drop off the registration and he makes a copy. Dad calls on the cell and is like, “do you know the number to the dealership?” “Nope, but I’m standing in its parking lot, so what can I tell them for you?” Take in the insurance number. One step closer. From there, it’s to the Rochester Hills post office (dear gods I remember it being built) to drop off letters to
Hot Pockets mixed well with letter-writing and laundry-doing. Later on came the trip to Pontiac to the used car dealership. They advised me over the phone of the ridiculous price range. So I called
After that was car-pickup, car-payment, and car-selling details. Then tasty subs from Tubby’s. Then trying to download Friday’s IPM via 28.8K dialup. I might as well stab myself in the foot.