Last night, I got completely frustrated with the fact that the VCR remote is -still- missing. I searched all over the living room, to no avail. So, during commercials (because I couldn’t fast-forward) of StarGate SG-1 and Atlantis, I straightened shit in the house. Gaming shit, laptop stuff, stacks of papers and paperwork, etc. I didn’t get a ton done, but I got enough to make me feel good. I called in my perscriptions the day they ran out, instead of waiting a week, like usual. Then I won the ebay auction for the replacement battery for my laptop, and that upped my mood.
Today, bills are written, checkbook is balanced, old product registration forms are ready to be mailed out, and I feel more ordered and stable. Today after work I’m going to work out. Three days a week once more, and it can only do me good.