Dragging myself out of bed, thinking I’m late, but actually being early.

I was up and out of bed early this morning, despite thinking that I was late.  Got everything taken care of, even grabbed leftovers from last night for lunch today.  I picked up my tax info to work on the FAFSA, which I’ve already done.  I picked up the phone bill, which is ready to send out now.  I picked up the list of names ( called me this morning, I was all happy!) for the bachelor’s party, and am in the middle of composing the email to send out to my best man, aka my brother.

I was even able to successfully pick up ‘s check from work for deposit.  Tonight, I’m going to try to crash in Lansing so that I can deposit the check in MSU FCU in the morning, and then head back here to work.

I’m still trying to decide if I’ll be risking my sanity by working OT.  Maybe I should give it a shot, try it out, and if I implode, then I’ll know it was a bad idea. :)