Brain is full. Do something.

There’s so much to think about right now. There’s so much to talk about.

I’m past a minor block, thanks to Phil’s journal, though I’m still having an insane amount of trouble with inserting something between the last two segments of Two Vampires. Those in my Writing for Publications class insisted that the story needed more definition, a bit more explanation, and generally just a bit more. I want to have it nearly perfect before I submit it. Especially to someone who will pay for it. Frustration.

Of course, I don’t have the market cornered on frustration. Not by a long shot. I am not my old self, after all. I actually find myself unable to counter the hopelessness that used to consume me, when I face it in another person. Others’ words were not what swayed me, and when they tried, I just resented it. Especially since help is what I’d come to them for. So I remain impotent, yet present. It’s what I can do, as a friend, so I have a feeling that it will be good enough.