Riding the roller coaster.

Yesterday, I hit a fairly monumental low. Buddy was repeatedly angry that we kept leaving the house, and so he was destroying things. The bagel baggie was fine. I’ll clean that up. We expected him to kill the Ozzie doll. (BTW, while it lived, he loved that toy. Thanks .) I did not expect him to kill the old man hat.

Most of my friends are familiar with the old man hat. I wore it to whatever the hell they called the DEMF last year. It was my late Grandpa Bean’s hat. As far as I know, it’s the only physical thing that I have left of Grandpa’s.

And buddy tore a chunk out of the top.

So, yeah. I got upset. I’m still getting over it. I’m determined to find a patch and repair it. Personality, I hope, rather than idiocy. I can’t bear to throw the hat out.

In rebounding from the depression, as per usual, I find myself wanting to make better use of my time. This is also fueled by ‘s job dropping out from under her. As Grandpa Bean always used to say (and had a bumper sticker or two), Shit Happens.

The walk between classes was amazing. I find myself enjoying sunshine, walks outside, and packing my lunch. I’m not quite certain who I am anymore, apparently. Heh. Sloughing off, indeed.

I should remember to post about our little jaunt to the TWP on Sunday. Don’t let me forget. :)