Download update for David.Crampton? (Y/N) _

So, I’ve just finished nearly two hours of server administration for Smart Networks. One hour was dedicated to sorting email from Outlook remote access. The other hour was mostly waiting for connections and for IE6 to play nice with my 10 year old laptop. All I can say is… soon. :)

To paraphrase Sean Kennedy in Tales from the AfterNow, if my belongings own me, instead of owning them, they should be sold and given away.

On a completely unrelated note, we have an extra TV. It’s a big-ass Sony trinitron, one of the originals I think, and it’s got a wooden box. It’s heavy as shit, and only has the screw-in cable connector. It has served me faithfully, but has been abused. I’m looking to get a little bit of cash for it, but am willing to accept any reasonable offer. So, if you’re interested, drop me a line and we can get it outta the house. :)

Gonna head home soon, as I’ve been out of the house for a while, and Buddy’s probably lonely. There’s a lot of bubbling thought, as there usually is when I listen to AfterNow, and it’s happy happy good time. Or something.

I need some updated userpics. Time to develop some photos.