So, here I am again. I’m at the Gone Wired Cafe, attempting to focus.
I have three teenage girls in front of me, and sometimes I can hear their giggling and gossiping over IPM in my headphones.
On a similar note, there’s some dude that insists on using his speakerphone option with his annoying Nextel chirp-I-must-stab-you-chirp radio nonsense. He’s sitting to my right.
I feel overwhelmed. I feel frustrated with myself. I have obligations, to myself, to my professors, and to my fellow classmates (group projects and all). And here I sit, quietly but completely dropping the ball.
This funk is no longer under the short-term heading. Now I need to find a solution. Every attempt I make at pushing through is met with some sort of internal, diametrically opposed force that pulls me back into a state of…
… doing nothing.