Damn, you might say, what a sweet Earth.

I’m entirely amused that this is still being circulated around.

In other amusing news, that swollen lymph node is still there. Yes, I’ve been sick for about two months straight. Mid-October to early December. Anyway, I was back at the doc, because the antibiotics didn’t work, and I had had blood drawn, and she was all like, “Good news! You have mono!” I’m pretty sure she meant that it was good news that she knew what it was, and it wasn’t some other crazy white cell issue like HIV.

The punchline… a week off of work. As everyone keeps reminding me, and as I’d be telling them were our positions swapped, health first.

So, I’m sleeping a lot. I didn’t really notice the exhaustion, what with the severe sleep apnea already. I did notice the dizziness, but I was feeling better. Really. Or, uh, not.

I feel a bit guilty about missing work, but not missing signings this week. Sold three books yesterday, and will be out at Way Station Books tomorrow from 1 to 6. I wasn’t ordered not to sit around, relax, and talk books with awesome people. So, a little bit guilty.

Finished reading Myst: Book of D’ni yesterday. The ending was way rushed, and left way too many questions for my taste… questions that the author had raised in the voice of the main character. Ah, well. The meat of the book was excellent, and I feel ready to play Myst III: Exile when I get my grubby little paws on it.

I feel pretty rambly today, so you might get more soon. :)