Left to my thoughts.

I have become addicted to having an internet connection.

Here I sit, in Gone Wired Cafe. I’ve sipped my delicious coffee. I’ve eaten my taco plate and chicken noodle soup (surprisingly good combination). I’ve updated the rough draft of The Glass Crown with the stuff I wrote at the very end of November, but never typed up. And, I’m stuck, because the internet service here is down.

Later the same day:

At work now. Happy Birthday, !

On a related note, our license plate has been renewed. This year, the State of Michigan is forcing us to buy a new plate, as they’ve phased out the blue background, white lettered plate. So, the old-school one is hanging in my cube, and a temp is in our window until they mail us the new plate. I was pissing and moaning about it quite a bit, but I think I’ve got it out of my system. The Buddhists say that life is change, and change is suffering. I think that license plate suffering is pretty low on the scale.

This announcement went out yesterday on my writery Google Group:

I’ve got terribly exciting news that I’ve been bubbling over with for about a week. And now that it’s finalized, I’m letting all of you in on it.

Penguicon 5.0 – http://penguicon.org – will be held April 20-22 this year at the Troy Hilton hotel. It’s a linux/sci-fi/fantasy/anime/ everything convention that I’ve been going to (save for 3.0) since Neil Gaiman showed up at 2.0.

This year, I will be sitting on six panels, and will be doing a shared reading session with two other writers.

The possibility of a signing exists, and we’re going to do our best to get copies of The Remembrance on the tables in the dealers’ room. Also, we will be armed with badge ribbons galore, and have come up with a neat way to spread them around.

I’m extremely excited, and hope to see you there. :)