So much goodness in one post. Does this violate some kind of law somewhere?

The headache has gone away, but my stomach is still kind of upset. Either I just didn’t drink enough water yesterday, or I was coming down with something beforehand.

I have good news in spades, today. Let’s go in reverse chronological order:

  • I’m writing for a webcomic! Clicky clicky on the for a daily dose. I’ve been a daily reader of this strip for a while, thanks to , so I’d put my quality-assurance stamp on it. Not that I’m biased or anything for the next ten strips.
  • Did someone say surprise birthday party? did. I was shocked out of my mind, and when they started calling for a speech, all I could say was “Crap!”. To which, of course, my friends cheered. :) So much fun last night.
  • Birthday Brunch at Clara’s. Kudos go to for the idea for the gifts. Most of everybody eBayed the Marvel figures that each have a piece of Apocalypse packaged with them. Together, I ended up with them all, and was able to put the toy together. So. Awesome. Also, I got a pair of new TONGS from , which can be locked and unlocked using one hand. Yay for Pampered Chef!

This year’s birthday “days” has been chock full of awesome. Thank you to everybody who’s made it possible. :)