Dreams, confusion, and frustration

I dreamed about being in college dorms. As is typical in dreams I have about school, I got lost. My dorm was switched on me while I was gone, and my stuff was mysteriously moved from the old to the new. My glasses had disappeared, and I had to keep going through different pair only to realize that I’d already found my pair, they just needed a bit of cleaning. And, for some reason, I’m always trying to find a place to take a shower (Shaw Hall had large bathrooms/shower facilities for every floor, not a bathroom in every room or suite) and can’t.

I woke up, and my jaw muscles hurt from clenching my teeth all night long. *sigh*

I did not expect LiquidWeb to not want me back. From the way the exit interview went, I thought that I had not burnt that bridge. I guess I was wrong.