A few updates.

Today is a writing day. Look for the results in the later today, and on the short fiction page on Monday.

My phone is currently off. Billing issues with Verizon. This should be remedied soon.

I haven’t really moved much furniture around since moving day. I haven’t set up my shelves, I haven’t made an attempt to set up any kind of office, and I haven’t moved anything more out of the storage unit. I’m living out of the apartment as if it were a hotel room. Committing to a space must be scaring me. I need to face this fear, and conquer it.

In other apartment news, my neighbors are noisy, and by the smell of the hallway, smoke. This is good for me, as playing music and/or movies will be far less likely to bring about noise complaints.

Connecting to the intertubes with my computron from the apartment is spotty. Apparently, the landlords are regretting their choice to go with TDS Metrocom. Well, duh. So, I get to ponder which ISP I’m going to allow to traffic-shape my packets once I have the cash. In other digital news, I’ll be putting Windows back on my laptop.

New job rocks my socks. Argyle style. Getting money in exchange for work is satisfying. Also, they’re having me write. Brilliant, I tells ya.

Answering the “why” and not filling the silence are things I’ve worked on before, and am working on again. Challenge after challenge after challenge. I hope I’m still up for them.