Doctor just called with the labwork results. Looks like it’s mono, and the eye infection wasn’t bacterial after all. Apparently, I tend to run myself ragged and not get enough rest. The irony is, I can’t tell mono tired from sleep apnea tired. How do you do that when you’ve lived your life tired?
Also, that means that I’ve wasted a good $80 on prescription co-pays. Nice.
From the Wikipedia article:
Supra-orbital oedema—the eyes become puffy and swollen—may occur in the early stages of infection.
The virus can remain dormant in the B cells indefinitely after symptoms have disappeared, and resurface at a later date.
Lucky me.
RIP George Carlin
My sandwich had too much onion, and did not come with the promised pickle. This is irritating.
I’m answering customers’ questions as they come in, and knowing the answers (save for one) is making me feel pretty good.
I’m officially invited to LiquidWeb’s DC3 ground breaking ceremony. That’s a little messed up.
My boss listens. Even when I’m all GRAWR SKIPPY SMASH!! This is good.