I’ve -almost- got full range of motion…

Home Base Update:

Apartment is entirely cleaned out. Nothing left. Only casualty so far – my right ankle. Twisted it coming down the stairs, holding the most awkward poster frames ever. I’m so done buying the cheap ones. It hasn’t swelled, but it’s a few hours later, and it feels warmer than it should. So I’m doing my best to keep it as elevated as possible. It’s on the same leg that’s having the arthritis flare-up in the knee, so I’m sure my left leg will hate me soon enough for favoring it.

Anyway, keys are turned in, forwarding address has been left, and they better not try to charge me for stuff (like holes in the carpet they didn’t replace before I got there) that was present upon move-in. They’ve been pretty upstanding so far, so I don’t think they’ll try anything wonky.

So, except for a load of stuff in the car – the Sunfire is FULL – everything has been moved into the new house. has a talent for turning a living space into a home, and I’m lucky and thankful that she’s so passionate about making our house a home.

Backpack lust: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/notebook_products/cases/devices/3133&cl=us,en#

Proto-Baby Update:

Yesterday was ‘s first OB/GYN appointment. Our first appointment? Is it okay for me to make this about us? Am I appropriating something that’s not mine?

Everything seems to be in good order. We’ve got an early March due date at this point. They tried to find the heartbeat without success, so we’re having an early ultrasound on Tuesday. I’m wondering if they’re going to use the traditional kind, or one of the 3-D imagers. Also, I really dig the nurse/midwife (certified in both!). She told to relax. Hee! So, of course, I’m all giddy about Tuesday. I wonder if ultrasound pics will scan…