Dusting off an old draft post.

“We had Cian’s birthday party this weekend, and I’d call it a huge success.”

I’d still call it a huge success.  You might even be able to see some of it here.  Also, you are jealous of my slippers.

“LJ Comment spam on the post about the miscarriage.”

I had a lot of rage about this.  I know that this kind of thing is automated, but whatever piece of code did it, they chose poorly.  When someone comments on one of my posts, I receive an alert via email.  So, when the comment spam hit, I got an email, with the original post front and center.  It’s still painful, the loss of a child I never met, and this revisiting was neither helpful nor appreciated.

“Even at room temperature, Tim Hortons coffee is yummy.”

Yup.  Still true.

Chapter 8 of The Glass Crown is inching along again.  I got some words down on my lunch break, and I’m pretty happy about it.  The Right Hand really is a jerk.  The things that he’s doing to Robin and Caroline, just to see how they’ll stir the pot…  you know, he might make a good writer.  ;)