I’m done with energy drinks for the time being. I should never have gone back to them, or to pop, but I have. Now I need to wean myself off of pop again (or soda, if you’re either pretentious or not living in Michigan). I’m indulging in root beer today, because I need to feel good. Same reason that I’m at Theio’s, honestly. Comfort environment.
Got about two hours of sleep last night thanks to the dry heaving. Looks like Monster did not play nice with my stomach-to-lung-acid-hatefulness, and so I was choking on bile for much of the night. The choking triggered coughing, which triggered my gag reflex, and old lung butter from the bronchitis days made the escape.
Good to have it out, I suppose. However, I had to go back to the cough syrup with codeine just to get to sleep, and ended up calling off of work today. Woke up at 12:30 PM, so now my sleep schedule is b0rked beyond reason. Argh.
, it seems that my laptop and last.fm has some sort of familial feud, of the shooting-over-the-river having-no-teeth variety. I fear that I may have to abandon it, as several versions have refused to start up. Could be the machine, though.
On that note, this laptop may be destined for eBay or craigslist. As time goes on, it seems to be fitting less and less of what I need out of a laptop. So, we’ll see.
I am -really- trying to enjoy the holidays. I’m not sure how well it’s working. At least I have food in me now.
Oh, yeah. Still not writing. *grinds teeth*