Home Base Update

I now have a (hopefully) more stable computer at home. It’s an old Dell desktop with a PCI wireless card. Thanks, ! If Dell decides to honor the Windows license that’s stickered on the case, I’ll be getting a restore CD soon and it’ll run Windows. If they don’t, I’ll put Ubuntu on there. Why the preference for Windows?

Work from home. There are some work apps that require it. *shrug*

Anyone have a good Transformer name for a Dell box with a black and gray case? Rounded on the corners.


Today, Microsoft ActiveSync can die in a fire.

Also, Microsoft Windows Mobile 6 -still- can’t handle standard mail protocols worth a damn. Also with the perishing while immolated.

Coffee is good.

Verizon needs to be subject to their own call center and paperwork policies and practices for eternity as a punishment for extreme dumb. Yes, you need to fill out three forms and get them signed by this person… no, we meant this other person, and then fax it in just to get your lunch break. No, we haven’t received your fax. Oh, wait, yes we have. Oh, nope, that was the old one. No lunch break for you.

I did -not- get enough sleep last night.

Coffee is good.

I really need to breathe more deeply and regularly. This constant buzzing in my brain is irritating.

Signal glut.

I was just saying, last night, that I could use some more signal.

SETI@Home is beginning to suffer from an infoglut. The telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico was just upgraded. And from the sounds of this article, it was UPGRADED. To follow suit, so has the SETI@home program.

I’ve been an enthusiast for a while, and this is more reason than ever to get off my butt and get my old computers (soon of the SETI@Home Graveyard) out of storage.

They need more people. More computers. More processing power. It doesn’t matter how old your computer is. If you’ve done this before, you know how simple it is – just a screen saver running when you’re not at your computer for Windows and MacOS users. If you own ancient hardware that’s collecting dust, a net install of Debian, with a quick install of SSH (for remote access) and the SETI program, and your old computer is actually doing something worthwhile.

A Pentium 1 system, 233 mhz with 192 megs of RAM can crunch a SETI packet in an average of just under 4 days. The system’s deadline to crunch a packet? 30 days.

Worth it, in my opinion. If you have old machines lying around, and you want to get a SETI Graveyard of your own going, just let me know. I’m happy to help out.

Bah, humbug.

I’m done with energy drinks for the time being. I should never have gone back to them, or to pop, but I have. Now I need to wean myself off of pop again (or soda, if you’re either pretentious or not living in Michigan). I’m indulging in root beer today, because I need to feel good. Same reason that I’m at Theio’s, honestly. Comfort environment.

Got about two hours of sleep last night thanks to the dry heaving. Looks like Monster did not play nice with my stomach-to-lung-acid-hatefulness, and so I was choking on bile for much of the night. The choking triggered coughing, which triggered my gag reflex, and old lung butter from the bronchitis days made the escape.

Good to have it out, I suppose. However, I had to go back to the cough syrup with codeine just to get to sleep, and ended up calling off of work today. Woke up at 12:30 PM, so now my sleep schedule is b0rked beyond reason. Argh.

, it seems that my laptop and last.fm has some sort of familial feud, of the shooting-over-the-river having-no-teeth variety. I fear that I may have to abandon it, as several versions have refused to start up. Could be the machine, though.

On that note, this laptop may be destined for eBay or craigslist. As time goes on, it seems to be fitting less and less of what I need out of a laptop. So, we’ll see.

I am -really- trying to enjoy the holidays. I’m not sure how well it’s working. At least I have food in me now.

Oh, yeah. Still not writing. *grinds teeth*

Ego boost.

I appear to have rocked the interview. Nailed it. Walked away a winner. Needless to say, I feel good about how it went.

My interviewer and I geeked out for a good hour and a half. Various BBS software packages were mentioned. As were Windows 3.1, Desqview, and OS/2 Warp!.

If I get the job, I’ll be learning how to script, and to make apps play nice with each other.

I’ve got my fingers crossed. :)