I was going to call in sick today. I should have. I spent my entire morning cleaning out our storage room, so it can be used as an office. And we put our stuff in an un-lockable closet. Great. If I had gone on lunch, I would never have come back to this shit job.
As it is, some good things came out of it. This replaces the workout I missed on Tuesday. I salvaged a Mac G3 tower to have at my desk that I’ve been trying to wrangle out of Repo for a while. Putting OS X on it now. I think I understand a bit more about how OS X works now, which is really good.
Higbee isn’t back with McDonald’s yet. Grr. But he’s paying for it, so I suppose I shouldn’t complain.
I’m going to get published again. “There is only do or do not, there is no try.” Fucking green muppet. Heh.