
Pain, releif, disappointment mixed with expectedness. Simultaneous feeling of accomplishment and temporary failure understanding the energy of rooms. Good discussion, re-inforcement of why I am friends with .

I woke up with, I think, the worst hangover I’ve ever had. Well, this happened gradually as I woke up in three-hour intervals all night (and day) long. It was noon when I realized that I was supposed to be at the movie theater at 1:55 to see Reign of Fire with . I got ready, drove to my old apartment, and left him a voice mail. I went to the theater, realized he wasn’t going to show up, and watched the movie.

Good movie. Like a glimpse into the lives of real people, with real backgrounds that they don’t have the time to explain in detail, in situations that demand that superhuman thing that rests dormant in so many of us.

Headed to Mike and Seth’s to pick up my sunglasses. I watched them play Warcraft 3 against each other while I downed 200 mg of Ibuprofin and sipped water.

Theio’s and reading. Plans for a possible Mage tabletop game. Finally started to feel better. I returned home and arranged furniture. My bedroom is almost perfect. The living room and dining area are definitely not. Went and talked with about a lot of things. I am thankful for an opinion that I cannot reason out when thinking about things. Somehow, because I can’t follow the logic behind it, credibility results. Hrm.

Now I’m home (*contented sigh*). I didn’t pick up the kitchen stuff or the TV or the microwave, like I told Scott I would. Tomorrow, then, after Kung Fu lessons. It’s not like I don’t have the opportunity to take my time on this.