Dream a dream of fanciful seas…

Last night I cleaned out half a sink of dishes and paid all of my bills. I have a feeling that the trend of distracting myself through cleaning will continue. Other half of the sink, the kitchen floor, and the bathroom all need attention.

The bedroom will be a major project, as I will need to find a place for all my transformers and my dragon statues. Which means furniture. I already need a seperate stand for VHS tapes and DVD’s. I need a kitchen table (I can put transformers there) and I need a better table thing for my TV, VCR, and consoles.

My sunburn has faded to a very dark tan, excepting for a little red in my face. By tomorrow, I’ll be very close to back to never-sees-the-sun white. The funny thing is that I don’t know which I prefer any more.

My brother has been crashing at my place, and it’s kind of wierd. This just re-inforces the importance of living alone.

I dreamt the dreams I wanted to after I hit snooze this morning.