Operating Systems are Cultures?

said she’d fork me. But only if I pissed her off. Day-umn! :)

Linux has made me realize how much of an American I am. I am getting all fussy because things are different from the way I’m used to them. Because they’re foreign to me. Some people say that configuring Linux and dealing with the oddities is fun. I think they’re insane. It’s hell. But it is worth it. The ability to smoothly move among different platforms and different cultures is much more gratifying than the ease of having everything be the same. Windows and Mac os’s (9 and X… they’re really completely different countries) isn’t enough. I need to be worldly in my OS familiarity.

I need to shave.

I didn’t get any cleaning or shopping or writing done yesterday. Grrr. Today is the StoryTeller meeting. I should really get it done today.

I’m going to a rave soon. >:) Check this out. It’ll be the first in a long time. E-mail me if you’re planning on going. :) *hop*