Updating at a library again.

Not a whole lot to comment on. This weekend has been up and down with much sleeping in and tons of work on the Mage game. Okay, the week involved that as well. Sorry that and I didn’t make the LC. We were hot tubbing and having burgers and shrimp grilled for us in a backyard that has to be worth as much as the house it’s attached to.

Anyway, posting will probably be sparse until I get finished moving to Ann Arbor (or to Shelby Township if Comcast gets an attack of stupid). I’m definitely up for snail mail letters and replying to them (you know who you are), even if they’re written on paper with the heading of Notes. Hee hee!

I find myself in a fairly scattered and completely intolerant of perceived drama mood. Hrm. Interesting.

Talk to everybody soon.