Pagan Quiz

In history, Druids were the religious, learned and
magistral class among the
Celtic peoples, who lived mainly in the British
Isles, and in parts of Gaul
(now northern France). Druids were also great
prophets and poets.
Druids worshipped the forces of nature by means of
meditation, prayer, and celebration of the
Earth, Sea, and Sky. Druids also see not only a
Great Mother Goddess, but also a Great Horned
God. Together, they created the world and
everything in it. Some Druids believe in
reincarnation, while others believe in an
afterlife that is inhabited by the Gods and the
Faeries; said to be the first worshippers of
the Goddess Danu. (hence the name “Tuatha
De Danan”, or, “people of the Goddess
Some of the Deities of this religion are:
Danu(Creator Goddess, Mother Goddess),
Cernunos(Creator God, Horned God),
Arianrhod(Goddess of the Stars, Reincarnation,
Lady of the Silver Wheel), Dagdha(God of
Druidism, Writing, Poetry, Knowledge, the
Brigid(Virgin Huntress, Goddess of the Sacred Fire,
Protector of Children), and Cerridwen(Keeper of
Souls, Goddess of Reincarnation).

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