Interview Meme

1 – Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 – I will respond; I’ll ask you five questions.
3 – You’ll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 – You’ll include this explanation.
5 – You’ll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed

Questions by

1. What, in your opinion, is the biggest/best/most beautifulest thing that has ever happened to you? (keeping in mind that I am not a typical woman, and don’t automatically expect it to involve me)

I can’t narrow it down to one. It’s a series of moments, where the fog in my mind clears, and I am alert and fully myself. Everything around me is so detailed and beautiful, and these moments last the most in my mind. You’ve seen this. ;)

2. What is third most common trait among your friends? Why do you think that trait is so common? (third because the first two are even easy for me to identify)

Dissatisfaction with the way things are, whether quiet or obvious. I think that this is common because I want to change things, I’m charismatic and motivating, and people that seriously want change will gravitate toward me.

3. What was your biggest accomplishment in high school?

Well, 9th grade (Freshman year) was technically in Junior High, so I can’t count earning Eagle Scout. It would be a close tie between not becoming a homicidal maniac and going to Japan.

4. When do you think, minus the laura insident, was the moment (or series of moments) in which your life changed the most?

When I came home once, while working at, and had a pleasant conversation with my parents without feeling like I owed them an explination about my homework. I felt SO grown-up…

5. Why do you get stuck in the “this is how it is, and how it always will be” mode of operation? (excepting your parents, you can’t use that)

I am violently opposed to outside change. No one has the right to change me without my permission. This comes from my sure sense of who I am, what I am, how I am, etc. There’s a core in me that feels timeless and unchangeable. ‘This is how it is’ stems from a combination of ‘This is how I am’ and bullshitting on subjects that I know a little about but which I can hypothesize fairly easily. ‘and how it always will be’ is something I try very hard not to do, because everything changes, whether I want it to or not. Welcome to the land of paradox. I will change, and yet I know I will endure, unchanged.

Oh, and this is neat.