
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In his book *How’s Your AQ Today?,* ex-business executive Ed Rychkun says that our culture is so twisted that most bosses and leaders are jerks. In fact, it’s often necessary “to be an a**hole in order to succeed.” (The “AQ” in his title stands for “A**hole Quotient.”) I doubt that you’re an arrogant tyrant, insensitive egotist, or deceitful bully, Taurus, so I can’t imagine that you have a high AQ. That may also mean you’ve never been in a position to manipulate and exploit lots of people. According to my reading of the astrological omens, however, you need to *temporarily* experience what corrupt power is like. It will fill a gap in your education. That’s why I suggest you disguise yourself as a domineering, hyper-ambitious honcho this Halloween.