tagged me. I guess I’m game.

Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal… and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

1. Reading. A good book, a novel especially, serves to de-fuss me well.

2. Candle-making. Something about making candles out of old wax gives me a calm satisfaction. Part of it is using up waste wax, another is the process of melting, re-forming, burning, melting, etc. Constant change from solid to liquid and back.

3. Accomplishment. I really like crossing things off of lists, but only if they are well and truly finished.

4. Writing. Getting a story from my head to paper is an amazing release. Putting these nearly-real voices and images and people into their worlds in ways that others can know them… just so perfect.

5. Orgasms. ‘Nuff said.

Tagged: , , , , and , consider yourselves tagged. :) Since added a bonus tag, I’m gona do the same. , if you get the time, you’re tagged!