There has just been so much.

said it well in her post.

Saturday night, at IPM, was a blast. The biggest surprise was Dgoe, who seemed to materialize out of a fine mist of Mountain Dew. Honestly, you can best get the gist of the party by listening to it live over at the website. Make sure that you snag the 05.06.2006 recording. Not so much of the drunken debauchery, but energy drinks and hugging and signing and clumsily reading and friends and awesomeness. Just amazing.

Sunday, at the Gone Wired Cafe, was also an amazing time. I ended up with about four hours of sleep, we drove back into Lansing (which means that drove back into Lansing), spent a few minutes at our house cleaning up a bit more, and then headed out to Clara’s to meet some family for brunch. From there, we went over and set up the signing at the cafe. After 2 hours, we were down to three books. Three minutes later, we were down to two. We called the people that had reserved books, but hadn’t paid for them, to see if they were coming. We sold out by 5:30.

I’m gonna say this again.

We sold out three and a half hours before the scheduled ending of the signing.

By the time 7 o’clock came around, we were starving, so we closed up shop and headed out for dinner. My apologies to and Scott Thom for this, but we stuck it out as long as we could. Benny went home and crashed, and I hung out with some peoples for the rest of the day.

For those that missed out, never fear. There is a likely, but unconfirmed, signing at Everybody Reads in June. Watch for it. :)