[Excerpt] Two Vampires

Here, Megan gets Nicholas to write down more from his past. Yet again, Nicholas is a bit cranky.

“More to be told? What power in the universe, beside me at the beginning of all of this, told you that the Mother would not be pleased at my mediocre attempt to recount my beginnings?” His voice reached a shout, and he decided that the journal would serve best embedded in the glass of the hotel’s television.

“Despite their petulance, your words wound me, Nicholas. You know as well as I that the source of my sight is a mystery to the both of us.” She tightened her grip, and pain began to jump down his back. “I suppose that you need a reminder that I am not, nor have I ever been, compelled to share frivolous revelations with you or anyone else.” Two vertebrae cracked, and Nicholas knew that several discs were crushed.

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