Tagged by
Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.
1. In the fourth and fifth grade, I played the viola. I was told that I had great musical talent, but I despised the practicing.
2. A long time ago, I used to doubt if I had the ability to feel emotion. The ironic part is that I would have these giant emotional outbursts/breakdowns randomly.
3. Autumn is my favorite season.
4. Now that I can tell when my hands have dried out, I find myself craving lotion/moisturizer. Once again,
5. My favorite kind of lunch meat is olive loaf.
6. I don’t understand vicious competition – the kind where you don’t just strive to win, but actively attempt to make others lose. It angers me.
I’m tagging