OMG! Not Myst!

I’m still waiting to hear back from the company who interviewed me. I’ve sent the thank-you letter off, and am looking at my nails as if they were tasty… things upon… which one would be tempted to bite.

So, yeah, trying to not bite my nails. Looks like I’m going to have a phone interview with another company out there, as well. So, on the getting-an-awesome-job front, things appear to be going well. I keep beating down the mind weasels, and have been pretty successful at it.

I’ve also been distracting myself with a video game. Guess which one. ;)

The driver issues with the laptop that I’ve got is making me want to build a desktop gaming machine once I get out and settled in CA. I really would like to go back to a Mac, but the MacOS version of the game requires an Intel core duo setup, so older macs are out of the question. Unless, of course, I get VMWare (or equivalent) working at a speed fast enough, and with a graphics card high-end enough, to trick the files into thinking that they’re running on a PC. Not impossible, but definitely a challenge.

The Union computer lab smells funny today, so I think I’m going to head home soon. Maybe list a few more things on eBay (like all of the gaming books that I’ve got up there now). Having this whole weekend free is so strange. :)

Horoscope from Wednesday:

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Welcome to Part Two of your outlook for the second half of 2007, Taurus. We’re checking up on how you’re progressing with the long-term tasks you were assigned six months ago. I hope that by now you’re beginning to infuse your life with more of the wildness you need. I trust that you’ve been enjoying a host of thrilling adventures and ingenious experiments — especially the kind that serve your highest ambitions.