A good fantasy.

Yoinked from :


A hemp paper document was delivered to the White House this morning, signed by the leaders of every nation on the planet, declaring their independence from American rule. It was very brief and to the point.

“We the people of Earth have decided that we are unanimously sick of your shit and are declaring our independence from America. Henceforth, we are reforming the UN without you in it because all you ever did was veto any progressive idea we ever put forth. We are sending all your companies, corporations and citizens found outside US borders back to your country forthwith. Furthermore, Nippon will no longer be selling you any cars or electronics, nor shall Australia or Africa sell you any of the fissionables you need to maintain your atomic weapons arsenal, nor shall China, Korea, Mexico, or Taiwan provide you with any cheap labor and/or manufactured goods to support your gluttonous economy. No Arabic nation nor Russia will be providing you with any more fossil fuels. Good luck trying to survive without the people you’ve both depended on and bullied for the last several decades. If you threaten us in any way we will invade your nation with the combined might of all the militaries of the world and give your entire country back to the Native Americans.

Everyone But You

P.S. from France – A freighter will be arriving in New York shortly to take our statue back.”