Battlestar Galactica: Season 1 / Roger & Me

So, pretty much all of my friends have been tossing around BSG lingo like it was, you know, English, for quite some time. So, of course, I get around to watching Season 1 just as Season 4 is coming out on TV. I’m on top of trends like politicians on truth. Which is to say, not at all. Anyway, the first season was frakking awesome. I could probably rant for a few hours about how much I hated the 70’s version, and now I’m thanking the writery gods for the inspiration that brought this dramatic sci-fi awesomeness into the world. I will be taking up an offer of seasons 2, 2.5, and RAZOR on loan, just so that I don’t have to wait for Netflix. After all of the damage and carnage, though, I have to wonder how they’ve got more than, like, three Vipers any more. Also, the first season’s cliffhanger = OMGWTFBBQ NO YOU DID NOT!! And details like a museum with the 70’s Cylons in them, the newer versions being obvious upgrades, and then the red pulse up and down the spine of the humanoid Cylons? The details added so much depth to the series… just, wow. Please, for the love of the Lords of Kobol, do not comment with spoilers.

5 out of 5 stars.

I’ve been intrigued by Michael Moore’s documentaries for a long time. I mean, with all of the publicity that he gets, how could I not? Especially with the MSU hats he wears around. Anyway, I decided to start with his first (that I know of).

I was born in Flint, MI. My Dad worked the AC Spark Plug line there. I grew up, until I was 8 or 9, in Clio, outside of Flint. I’ve also got a soft spot for Detroit. Hell, like Michael Moore, I moved out to San Francisco, figured out it wasn’t for me very quickly, and then moved back. This movie just… I identified with it throughout the entire thing. I am sad for Michigan, for Flint, for Detroit, and for Lansing. I also have a fierce pride and hope for my home state. I see all of the potential in the ruined factories, the abandoned houses, the foreclosure signs. I know what we could be, if we really, really wanted it. But how many people want it that badly?

Four out of five stars.