Stargate SG-1: Season 9

General Jack O’Neill (two L’s) has left for another assignment, General Hammond is long-promoted out of anything but cameos, so we get yet another new leader for Stargate Command. I liked Weir (though the second actress beats the first, I think) as a civilian commander, and now we have General Landry. His biggest pet peeve is that he doesn’t get to yell at anyone. Okay, I liked this character right out of the gate, I have to admit.

We also have Cam Mitchell, a fighter pilot who aided SG-1 in the Antarctica mission, and risked his neck so that they could activate the drone weapon. That particular mission gets darker than it was by looking at some of the sideline death that happened to protect SG-1. In fact, that’s a continuing theme for this season. Anyway, Teal’c is off on Dakarta trying to help form a Jaffa government, Daniel Jackson is finally going to Atlantis to decode all of the Ancient goodness that’s there, and Samantha Carter is at Area 51, busting up some scientist heads. Mitchell arrives, expecting to lead the old SG-1, and is told to pick his new crew.

Blues Brothers references about putting the band back together have never been so funny to me.

This season is -good-. It takes a while for it to get its rhythm after the abrupt change in casting ( /bin/import –partial_cast –main_characters Farscape.castlist ) and that’s the reason it got four stars, instead of five. I definitely recommend it.