Weekly Word Count

FoF Concept 1.5
Originally uploaded by Childe

There was once this super secret project, back in the day. and I were all hush-hush about our weekly meetings (Liasons? No one will ever know!) as we worked to make our grand idea into a reality. Stumbling block after stumbling block after brick wall cropped up in our path, and our idea changed and evolved over time.

I say evolved, because it adapted to survive. And the changes are so severe that they might just be generational. Of the ideas, I’d say that this one, the one that will finally see life ( *knock on wood* ) is the third generation.

Our working title is Fight or Flight, and the grandchild idea is a webcomic. The current plans are to update weekly, and we plan on having a several-month-long stockpile before the site goes live. The main character, tentatively named Willy, is pictured here. He was drawn by Rick Schlaack, who is one of the most amazing artists I’ve ever met. And the irony is, HE is waiting on US to get scripts finalized so that he can draw. Talk about a reversal!

With the concept art that he’s given us, I have absolutely no doubt that this project will take off. I’ve got my eyes on Penny Arcade, PvP, Megatokyo, and Looking For Group. And I think that we can do it.